
Miller Ranked #3 in Top Technology Service Providers by Jacksonville Business Journal

by | Jul 29, 2014 | Company Updates

Technology service providers in metro Jacksonville answer the question, What significant trends or changes do you foresee in the future of the technology industry, locally or otherwise?

With the Internet of Things becoming a reality as more and more devices are feeding data into the IP world, data traffic and storage are going to continually increase exponential rates. This will create a demand on networks and data storage that has to be addressed. It will be critical for companies that wish to stay competitive to leverage big data and ensure that their data centers (or colocation partners) are capable of facilitating the transmission, processing, streaming and storage of the burgeoning information. This demand will necessitate the need for more advanced real-time monitoring and continuous optimization of existing facilities combined with flexible and easy-to-expand engineering of new infrastructure.
-David Stallings, Vice President Integrated Systems Division, Miller Electric Company

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